BMW Announce a Move Away From Electric Cars to Hydrogen Power

Late last year BMW announced the planned launch of their first Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicle by 2028 using technology developed in a joint effort with Toyota. The new vehicle will be an existing model with a Hydrogen variant option but did not really say which model, what price nor how many they were planning to build.

Now we know that the model will be the BMW iX5, after the German Automaker completed successful tests in a variety of environments around the world, well at least according to a Company Website post.

BMW and Toyota are leading proponents of the use of Hydrogen as a future sustainable fuel source and both are known to be developing both hydrogen and EV prototypes as it hedges its bets on which green technology becomes the choice of the woke generation in the future.

Hydrogen does seem to be the better choice. It is the most abundant element on earth, it doesn’t need wind or sun to create, it offers quick refuelling, it has a long range and the only emissions when you burn it is water.

Of course, you can argue that they’re both EVs with the real difference being that an EV has a lithium battery that holds the power to drive the electric motors whilst a hydrogen is separated in a catalyst to create energy that of course creates electricity.

If you are worried about range anxiety in an EV, and you should due to the patchy recharging infrastructure, then the non-existing infrastructure for Hydrogen will be a real worry.  BMW is not bothered about that though. They are making the assumption that if they build it they will come. Sounds almost biblical to me.

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